Begin Your Journey

Let's create a new language of leadership, together!

For the last 30 years the Co-Active Training Institute (CTI) has been offering the gold-standard in coach training and leadership development for individuals and organizations. Now we are creating a new language of leadership. Let's do this together. 

Co-Active Blog

Co-Active Blog

Simon Sinek and Richard Branson

Awkward conversations are hard to stick with. CTI solves this by improving global interactions to build a world that values wholeness, accountability, and love.

Co-Active Relationship to Self in COVID

COVID is insisting we pay attention to relationship.

In Loving Memory of Art Shirk

Art Shirk advocated living each moment fully. "Comfort Is Overrated" was his blog about living with an open heart.  This blog post is dedicated to him.

Do You Want to Know If There’s an Eyelash Stuck to Your Cheek?

Whether we're employees or business owners, we must examine how our activities influence others. The "Line of Sight Model" ensures inner and outer reflection.


Thanksgiving gives an invitation to everyone to sit down, share a meal, and reflect on what is most important to them to move forward with more purpose.

On Life, Legacy, and Letting Go

When someone you love dies, you grieve for all the moments you imagined you'd share with them. Here's a touching letter from a child to her late mother.

Friends People Group Teamwork Diversity

Personal leadership programs are typically conducted in similar groups. So, what occurs when individuals of all ages, races, and cultures join together?

Ship and Oil Platform

Technology gave us a false sense of independence. We might not need each other for survival, but realizing our interconnectedness could make our lives easier.


Coaches highlight people's brilliance. As coaches, showing there for people, noticing them, and telling them they're amazing and deserve joy is crucial and precious.


As lives become more chaotic and demanding, the Co-Active concept becomes more necessary to foster strong bonds and communication within various communities.


Any leader dedicated to accomplishing duties may not be open to feedback, especially when facing inconsistent messages, concealed goals, and excessive flattery.


Polarization drives the contemporary world. To truly advance, we must learn to disagree with one another in passionate, respectful, energetic, and civil ways.

portrait of colleagues in meeting

Good conversations take time and effort. Co-Active leaders acquire raw materials for courageous dialogues that progress a group into new and exciting territory.


People desire connection; it's there if we open our hearts. Putting relationships first and connecting with coworkers and neighbors makes life more fulfilling.

  • CTI
  • May 24, 2019

Co-Active Leadership harnesses the strength of many. This paradigm fosters collaboration and shared ownership – a concept we intend to promote in Turkey.

  • CTI
  • June 03, 2018

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