Begin Your Journey

Let's create a new language of leadership, together!

For the last 30 years the Co-Active Training Institute (CTI) has been offering the gold-standard in coach training and leadership development for individuals and organizations. Now we are creating a new language of leadership. Let's do this together. 

Co-Active Blog

Co-Active Blog


Co-Active defines leaders as those who take responsibility for their world. In this way, responsibility has two parts: the ability to create your world and the ability to be shaped and created by your world. Our level of responsibility is commensurate...

Image of cracked pavement with colors of the Russia and Ukraine flags

Carey Baker and Carlo Bos, co-CEOs of CTI, discuss the Co-Active relationship and completeness, as well as leadership potential in legacy, strategy, and equality.

Legacy Strategy Equity

Leadership means learning and growing yourself and the system over time. As leaders, you form a vision, share it, and take bold action to shift direction.

2021 transformation image

2021 brutally tested our humanity. Yet, we survived. We must do more than survive moving forward. We must learn from the past and look forward with optimism.

Be With

CTI's Training stresses "be with," observing the present through word, metaphor, sound, movement. Make all elements of life personal – even unpleasant ones.


Nick Kettles and Barton Cutter continues their discussion to explain the second guiding principle of the Co-Active Accessibility and Wholeness Project.


The power of dimensional leadership lies in taking an introspective look at our own society and asking, "In what capacity is my humanity calling me to serve?"

Trump in the Front?

Leading from the front entails creating a vision that others may emulate. Everyone, no matter how big or small, has the ability to take the initiative and lead.


CTI Leadership emphasizes language possibilities. The Co-Active model believes people have innate capacities for creativity, resourcefulness, and wholeness.

Moving Beyond Polarization

Curiosity is a powerful tool in helping bridge differences in viewpoints and perspectives. These aspects of humanity strengthen connections and interactions.

Because it is so often an under-appreciated extension of our presence, the language that we use carries with it an instant and profound influence.


The Accessibility and Wholeness Project is concerned with wholeness as well as challenge. Inspire Mutual Inclusivity is the emphasis of this workshop.


"Co-Active" means there's no ONE right way. Everyone's problems can't be solved. Our opinions vary. We share our ideas if the process is open and inclusive.

  • CTI
  • May 30, 2019
self-acceptance and growth, developing self-acceptance

CTI's Co-Active Accessibility and Wholeness Project is a discourse about wholeness and addressing the accessibility requirements of people with disabilities.


Everyone seems to have lost interest in hearing others' points of view as each political faction becomes more entrenched in its own beliefs and perspectives.

Close-up on discussion.

Co-Active Leadership training helps coaches recognize how people prefer to be seen and valued in their own right, instead of being corrected or criticized.

Leadership has become a corporate buzzword. But leadership has no recipe: no perfect thing to say, no right way to act. Still, CTI believes everyone can lead.

difficult times

Everyone knows someone related to someone else they know. We can't compartmentalize our lives and keep our heads down because the world affects all of us.


As Co-Active leaders, we co-create our reality with others and our environment daily. We must participate fully in all interactions, not just with ourselves.

The issue is more political than gender-related. To become effective leaders, we must learn to rely on both our masculine and feminine qualities as needed.

  • CTI
  • June 03, 2018

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