Begin Your Journey

Let's create a new language of leadership, together!

For the last 30 years the Co-Active Training Institute (CTI) has been offering the gold-standard in coach training and leadership development for individuals and organizations. Now we are creating a new language of leadership. Let's do this together. 

Co-Active Process

Process is about being with clients during emotionally charged issues.

Co-Active Process

While a lot of coaching focuses on moving forward, Process coaching focuses on the internal experience, on what is happening at the moment. You’ll learn to help clients work through emotionally charged issues. You’ll help them to understand that—although uncomfortable—chaos, confusion, and inertia are a vital part of achieving forward motion in life.

Process coaching is about being with clients wherever they are, especially when they are experiencing emotional turbulence in the rapids of their lives.

Learn more about the full Coach Training program

Register Today!

Duration: 3 or 5 Days
Prerequisites: Fundamentals, Fulfillment, and Balance
ICF Training Hours: 21.25

Pricing: $1,899 USD

For training in other regions around the world, visit our global delivery partners websites.

The Experience

As a coach, you will be with people in the river of their lives as it flows slower or faster and as it hits unexpected rapids. Being with people in both their messy and ecstatic places allows them to feel known and to more fully know themselves. This is some of the most important work you can do.

Coaches and managers who are skillful at navigating emotional waters create an environment where it is safe and joyous to be fully human. Unless you can mindfully explore these places, your coaching will lack depth, breadth, and impact.

What You'll Learn

Experiential Coaching

How to engage the Process coaching skills, so that clients “experience” (beyond talk) what exists specifically for them.

Presence & Flexibility

How to develop your own capacity to remain present in challenging situations


How to simply be with the other person: fully engaged, attentive, and open.


How to fluidly move between and integrate the principles of Co-Active coaching: Fulfillment, Balance, and Process.

The Nature of Process

How the shortest distance between here and there isn’t always a straight line.

Attuned Listening

How to simply be with the other person: fully engaged, attentive, and open.


When someone is walking beside us, we have more courage to walk into the unknown and to risk the dark and messy places in our journey.

Henry Kimsey-House Co-Active Training Institute

Co-Founder and Lead Designer, Co-Author of Co-Active Coaching (Now in its 4th Edition)

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